Even though Basketball Innovations has put in place a number of procedures to ensure games can start when the clock starts, every week 5-10 minutes of valuable game time is being wasted. Teams are not organised and ready to play.
In order maximize game time, players need to take responsibility so they:
1. Arrive at Craigie Leisure Centre and are ready to play 10 minutes prior to the advertised starting time.
2. Make sure their team game fee is paid beforehand and confirmed with the game fees clerk.
3. Fill the game scoresheets 5-10 minutes prior to the advertised starting time. There are two clipboard files on the score bench one aqua and the other green. The green file is for the game that is currently in progress. The aqua clipboard is for the next game. All registered players’ names are printed on the scoresheet. All players need to do is write their uniform number on the scoresheet in the aqua file. Please take care not to distract the scorers of the game that is in progress.
4. Arrange a suitable person to score for their team. This person must be seated at the score-bench and actively participate in the scoring process.